Eddy De Azevedo

Former Paris-based art director and copywriter Eddy De Azevedo moved to the rural seaside town Capbreton to enjoy the benefits of the wild Atlantic. While on long walks with his dog, De Azevedo could not help noticing all of the trash and discarded objects that washed upon shore. Soon he began collecting the many forsaken scraps and gathering them in his studio where he creates colorful, graphic images from the rubbish.

Walking My Dog I is a single series in a body of work that covers over 20 kilometers of wandered beach and hundreds of pieces of debris. More than 600 lighters, 1000 bottle caps, 200 fishermen gloves, and 2000 plastic bottles make up some of his materials for these works. Although the final result is appealing and colorful, De Azevedo also uses his archive as an example of the pollution present in the ocean and the manmade waste we cast there.

Eddy De Azevedo

Eddy De Azevedo

Eddy De Azevedo

Eddy De Azevedo

Eddy De Azevedo

This post was contributed by photographer and Feature Shoot Editorial Assistant Jenna Garrett.