

Zurich-based photographer Katrin Freisager’s nine Untitled images from a 2002 series of the same name are evocative, mysterious, and intimate, but–and perhaps we should have expected this–offer no immediate answers or clues. Here we are left to come up with an idea as to why these young bodies are intertwined and what they might mean on our own. Conversely, they say one’s art is their ongoing “self-portrait”—perhaps that is a good place to start where the work of Freisager is concerned.

After studying in Berlin, Paris, and New York, Freisager returned to live and work in her home city of Zurich where she continues to work on compositions that deal with bodies and the borders therein, beauty, isolation, and notions of perfection. In Untitled, Freisager is amidst a sea of flesh, legs, long red locks, stockings, underwear, and arms. Shades of hair and skin, lengths of arms and nails are all mixed into one frame that plays with ideas of the public and private; whose body is this? Am I allowed to breach this border? Cumulatively, this landmass of bodies eventually becomes one, merging into one gorgeous, inseparable creature.





