

Hungarian photographer Roland A. Nagy documents the continuing aftermath of Typhoon Yolanda (also known as Typhoon Haiyan) that struck the Philippines in 2013. Recorded as the most powerful tropical cyclone and deadliest typhoon in history, the 185 kilometer per hour winds left over 6,000 dead, almost 2,000 missing, and nearly 30,000 injured, spanning the nine regions of the islands. Two months after the catastrophe, Nagy visited the city of Tacloban where the local death toll was exceptionally high and 90% of the city’s structures decimated. Here he found the citizens of Tacloban attempting to rebuild their bustling city in hopes to restore their lives to normalcy. From families suddenly without a home to teachers struggling to conduct class in a crumbling facility, the people of the Philippines continue their battle for recovery one day at a time.


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