From highbrow to lowbrow (and everything in between), this is what we found of interest in photo-land this week.
- Lane Bryant’s #ImNoAngel campaign [BUST]
- “40,000 elephants were killed by poachers last year. Drones and supercomputers can stop it” [Indiegogo]
- Cute photo booth shots of shelter dogs = 93% adoption rate [PetaPixel]
- Colorado might penalize cops for interfering with citizen cameras [Ben Swann Truth In Media]
- ‘France Moves to Ban Ultrathin Fashion Models’ [WSJ]
- Photos of people endorsing Rand Paul are from a stock photographer [Buzzfeed]
- “Unbranded: A Century of White Women, 1915–2015″ reveals just how sexist vintage ads were [The Cut]
- ‘Huskies looking magical on mirror-like frozen lakes in Russia’ [Lost At E Minor]
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