As the industry evolves, the Internet has become an outlet for artists to showcase their work and turn their passion into profit. Your Art Gallery, an online gallery launched in May 2015, is at the cutting edge of this new movement within the industry. Unlike most private art galleries, it’s designed to connect photographers of all experience levels with art buyers and collectors.

At Your Art Gallery, all photographers—from students to seasoned professionals—have the opportunity to sell work. Featured artists gain exposure based on an easy to use star rating system. Work is then democratically assessed by an unbiased worldwide community of art makers and art enthusiasts rather than by a few individuals with insider connections.

Featured artists are encouraged by the community and their peers to create their best work, and in turn, Your Art Gallery is devoted to furthering their careers as artists. By frequently promoting top rated photographers over social media platforms, artists reach a diverse international audience. In addition to fostering community feedback, the website also hosts a blog, YAG University, to educate photographers about the ins and outs of the industry and to arm them with the skills needed to succeed.

Malike Sidibe, a recent graduate from Manhattan’s Liberty High School and the NYC SALT program, chose to share his professional level portfolio on Your Art Gallery. His insight at such a young age has been inspiring to the Your Art Gallery community – “Doing work that pays well and you don’t like, even if you become rich, you will never feel in your heart the satisfaction that others feel in their heart when they are doing something they love. Overall, I think doing work that one finds fulfilling is more important.”

Pretoria based professional photographer Karolina Rupp, who continues to make beautiful images in her own darkroom, has exhibited her ambitious work both in private galleries—in solo and group shows— and at Your Art Gallery, where she was able to extend her network. Carla G. Maloco who is an avid art enthusiast, fell in love with photography as a young girl. Her eerie landscapes and stirring imagery make her an ideal fit for the Your Art Gallery community. The wide array of backgrounds and unique photography styles found on Y.A.G creates a diverse collaborative community for sellers and buyers to be inspired.

In just a few short months, Your Art Gallery has fostered the careers of countless artists of all levels of expertise and aim to help them to achieve their goals. At Your Art Gallery, success is founded upon passion for the medium and a sense of community, and your experience is catered to your individual needs and aspirations.

Your Art Gallery is a Feature Shoot sponsor.