
Thanksgiving, New York, NY © Jessica Pettway

From performance artists to Wall Street tycoons, everyone has a bit of quirk lingering inside; it’s just a matter of how much we’re willing to show in public. For our latest group show, we’re giving you a free pass to bare all and embrace all things offbeat, idiosyncratic, or just plain weird. That’s right, we’re looking for your most “Off the Wall” photographs, images that (literally or figuratively) are just too bizarre to to be confined only to a gallery wall.

This group show will be curated by Gabriel H. Sanchez, Photo Essay Editor at BuzzFeed, who has an eye for everything from the comical to the profound to all things viral. The top three winners will receive a free one-year subscription to Squarespace, the intuitive website publishing platform that makes it simple for photographers to build creative and professional sites with their combo of award-winning designs, hosting, domains, and commerce. Selected photos will run on the Feature Shoot website and be promoted through our social media channels. Copyright remains with the photographer.

To submit, email up to five images (620 pixels wide on the shortest side, saved for web, no borders or watermarks) titled with your name and the number of the image (ex: yourname_01.jpg) to fsgroupshow (at) gmail (dot) com with “Off the Wall” in the subject line. Please include your full name, website and image captions within the body of the email.

You may also submit via Instagram by posting your images using the hashtag #offthewallfs.

Deadline for submissions is October 13, 2015.

Squarespace is a Feature Shoot sponsor.