In 2020, amid canceled fairs and exhibitions, the art world moved online, but many of us still crave in-person experiences with artwork. In the past year, we’ve seen photographers, galleries, and publishers adapt and innovate, hosting virtual exhibition and studio tours, auctions, and print sales. With this in mind, Feature Shoot is excited to launch a brand-new initiative connecting photographers, enthusiasts, and photography newcomers through public art.

The Global Billboard Project is an open-themed, international photo competition designed to inspire people during these unprecedented times, while introducing those who might be unfamiliar with the industry to an extraordinary community of photographers. Here’s how it works: photographers can submit their best images for consideration, and the overall winner of the first round will have their picture featured on a billboard in New York City, where it will be seen by thousands of people daily.

One photographer will be chosen to have one of their images appear on this billboard
above from March 15-March 29, 2021 in the bustling Fashion District of New York,
just a stone’s throw away from the bright lights of Times Square. The winning
photo should have approximately 700,000 impressions over the two week period.

This street-level bulletin is situated along 7th Ave in Manhattan’s Fashion District and will also be seen by pedestrian traffic heading towards Times Square as well as the mass of commuters coming to and from Penn Station daily. Additionally, this billboard will be viewed by local professionals, fashion students, tourist and shoppers in this bustling area.

From there, we plan to move to other cities around the world, with a new image and billboard going up in each location. Photographers of all genres and levels can submit up to five images for just just $25.

During this open call, everyone who submits will also receive our latest guide, 52 Grants You Should Know About, for FREE.

The deadline to submit is March 3, 2021.

Submit here today!